Tag Archives: builder

Automatically Recover from Connectivity Failure in Go

Fork me on GitHubGo Fallback
Go provides a very effective means of executing HTTP requests, exposed through the net/http package. In certain scenarios, it may be favourable to provide recovery mechanisms that allow Go applications to function as normal in the event of HTTP connectivity failure.

Assuming the following process flow:

Application with dependency

Application with dependency

Our Go application has an explicit dependency on System 1. Let’s assume that communication between both systems occurs over HTTP, and that our Go application must be highly available; in that it must remain functional if downstream systems fail:

Application with fallback dependencies

Application with fallback dependencies

Now we must configure our Go application, in the event of System 1 failure; to automatically attempt to repeat the failing HTTP request to Backup 1.

Similarly, should the connection to Backup 1 become unavailable, our Go application should attempt to repeat the failing HTTP request to Backup 2.

Chain of Responsibility

Chain of Responsibility

Chain of Responsibility

The Chain of Responsibility design pattern provides a suitable solution. The pattern defines a series of handlers, each one designed to execute a specific task. The task is passed along the chain until a handler successfully completes the task, or all handlers fail to complete the task.

Package fallback is designed to achieve this pattern, and to provide redundancy in the event of connectivity failure. The process flow pertaining to the above example is as follows:

Fallback process flow

Fallback process flow


Builder Design Pattern

Builder Design Pattern

Package fallback handles the execution of HTTP requests by wrapping each request in a ConnectionBuilder, as per the Builder design pattern. This allows the developer control over the manner in which underlying HTTP requests are constructed. Each ConnectionBuilder controls an underlying Connection – a wrapper for the actual HTTP request.

Each HTTP request is wrapped in a ConnectionBuilder, and managed by a ConnectionManager –  the Director component. Once the Chain of Responsibility has been established, the ExecuteHTTPRequest method is executed on the first underlying Connection. This method will attempt to successfully execute the underlying HTTP request. Should the request fail, the method will invoke the ExecuteHTTPRequest on the next Connection in the chain, in a recursive manner, until any given request succeeds, or all requests fail.


go get github.com/daishisystems/fallback

Sample Code

First, we need to establish some data structures:

    // BasicResponse represents the response issued from the first successful
    // HTTP request, if applicable.
    type BasicResponse struct {
        Text   string
        Detail string

    // BasicError represents the error issued from the last unsuccessful
    // HTTP request, if applicable.
    type BasicError struct {
        Code    int
        Message string

    type PostBody struct {
        Name   string
        Amount int

    basicResponse := &BasicResponse{}
    basicError := &BasicError{}

    postBody := PostBody{
        "Random", 100,

Next, we initialise a ConnectionManager (the Director in our Builder implementation) and pass a ConnectionBuilder (the Builder itself). This particular ConnectionBuilder, in this example, is designed to execute successfully:

    passPath := "http://demo7227109.mockable.io/get-basic"
    failPath2 := "http://demo7227109.mockable.io/fail-basic"
    failPath1 := "http://demo7227109.mockable.io/fail-basic-post"

    connectionManager := fallback.ConnectionManager{}

    // This Connection will execute last, and will succeed.
    passBuilder := fallback.NewConnectionBuilder("PASS", "GET", passPath, true,
        nil, nil, &basicResponse, &basicError, nil)

Now add 2 more ConnectionBuilders to the chain, both of which, in this example, are designed to fail execution:

    // This Connection will be the 2nd Connection to execute, and will fail.
    failBuilder2 := fallback.NewConnectionBuilder("FAIL2", "POST", failPath2,
        true, nil, nil, &basicResponse, &basicError, passBuilder.Connection)

    //This Connection will be the 1st Connection to execute, and will fail.
    failBuilder1 := fallback.NewConnectionBuilder("FAIL1", "POST", failPath1,
        true, postBody, nil, &basicResponse, &basicError,

Finally, invoke the first ConnectionBuilder in the chain. In this example, both first and second ConnectionBuilders are designed to fail. Execution recursively falls back to passBuilder, which executes successfully:

    // Each Connection will be invoked in a recursive manner until a
    // Connection succeeds, or all Connections fail. Please refer to the Chain
    // of Responsibility design for more information.
    statusCode, err := failBuilder1.Connection.ExecuteHTTPRequest()
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Printf("HTTP status code: %d\n", statusCode)
    fmt.Printf("Text: %s\n", basicResponse.Text)
    fmt.Printf("Detail: %s", basicResponse.Detail)

The fall-back process is encapsulated within package fallback; consuming clients are unaware of failures, and instead, are guaranteed success, long as at least one HTTP connection remains viable.


Package fallback enhances the durability of your API by automatically recovering from connectivity failure. It achieves this by providing an enhanced degree of redundancy to HTTP requests, introducing a Chain of Responsibility, consisting of a series of fallback HTTP requests designed to augment an initial HTTP request. Should the initial HTTP request fail, the next fallback HTTP request in the chain will execute.

Any number of fallback HTTP requests can be chained sequentially. Redundancy is achieved by executing each fallback HTTP request in a recursive manner until one of the requests succeeds, or all requests fail.

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Object Oriented, Test Driven Design in C# and Java: A Practical Example Part #5

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Check out my interview on .NET Rocks! – TDD on .NET and Java with Paul Mooney

For a brief overview, please refer to this post.


In the last tutorial we focused on correcting some logic in our classes and tests. It’s about time that we started building Robots. Let’s start with a simple example consisting of the following components:

  • Head
  • Torso
  • 2x Arms
  • 2x Legs

Not the most exciting contraption, but we can expand on this later. For now, let’s define these simple properties and combine them in a simple class called Robot:


    public abstract class Robot {
        public Head Head { get; set; }
        public Torso Torso { get; set; }
        public Arm LeftArm { get; set; }
        public Arm RightArm { get; set; }
        public Leg LeftLeg { get; set; }
        public Leg RightLeg { get; set; }


public abstract class robot {
    private head _head;
    private torso _torso;
    private arm _leftArm;
    private arm _rightArm;
    private leg _leftLeg;
    private leg _rightLeg;

    public head getHead() {
        return _head;

    public void setHead(head head) {
        _head = head;

    public torso getTorso() {
        return _torso;

    public void setTorso(torso torso) {
        _torso = torso;

    public arm getLeftArm() {
        return _leftArm;

    public void setLeftArm(arm leftArm) {
        _leftArm = leftArm;

    public arm getRightArm() {
        return _rightArm;

    public void setRightArm(arm rightArm) {
        _rightArm = rightArm;

    public leg getleftLeg() {
        return _leftLeg;

    public void setLeftLeg(leg leftLeg) {
        _leftLeg = leftLeg;

    public leg getRightLeg() {
        return _rightLeg;

    public void setRightLeg(leg rightLeg) {
        _rightLeg = rightLeg;

“Wait! Why are you writing implementation-specific code? This is about TDD! Where are your unit tests?”

If I write a class as above, I can expect that it will work because it’s essentially a template, or placeholder for data. There is no logic, and very little, if any scope for error. I could write unit tests for this class, but what would they prove? There is nothing specific to my application, in terms of logic. Any associated unit tests would simply test the JVM (Java) or CLR (.NET), and would therefore be superfluous.

Disclaimer: A key factor in mastering either OOD or TDD is knowing when not to use them.

Let’s start building Robots. Robots are complicated structures composed of several key components. Our application might grow to support multiple variants of Robot. Imagine an application that featured thousands of Robots. Assembling each Robot to a unique specification would be a cumbersome task. Ultimately, the application would become bloated with Robot bootstrapper code, and would quickly become unmanageable.

“Sounds like a maintenance nightmare. What can we do about it?”

Ideally we would have a component that created each Robot for us, with minimal effort. Fortunately, from a design perspective, a suitable pattern exists.

Introducing the Builder Pattern

We're here to build your robots, sir!

We’re here to build your robots, sir!

The Builder pattern provides a means to encapsulate the means by which an object is constructed. It also allows us to modify the construction process to allow for multiple implementations; in our case, to create multiple variants of Robot. In plain English, this means that an application the leverages a builder component does not need to know anything about the object being constructed.

Builder Design Pattern

Builder Design Pattern

“That sounds great, but isn’t the Builder pattern really just about good house-keeping? All we really achieve here is separation-of-concerns, which is fine, but my application is simple. I just need a few robots; I can assemble these with a few lines of code.”

The Builder pattern is about providing an object-building schematic. Let’s go through the code:


    public abstract class RobotBuilder {
        protected Robot robot;

        public Robot Robot { get { return robot; } }

        public abstract void BuildHead();
        public abstract void BuildTorso();
        public abstract void BuildArms();
        public abstract void BuildLegs();


public abstract class robotBuilder {
    protected robot robot;

    public robot getRobot() {
        return robot;

    public abstract void buildHead();

    public abstract void buildTorso();

    public abstract void buildArms();

    public abstract void buildLegs();

This abstraction is the core of our Builder implementation. Notice that it provides a list of methods necessary to construct a Robot. Here is a simple implementation that builds a basic Robot:


    public class BasicRobotBuilder : RobotBuilder {
        public BasicRobotBuilder() {
            robot = new BasicRobot();

        public override void BuildHead() {
            robot.Head = new BasicHead();

        public override void BuildTorso() {
            robot.Torso = new BasicTorso();

        public override void BuildArms() {
            robot.LeftArm = new BasicLeftArm();
            robot.RightArm = new BasicRightArm();

        public override void BuildLegs() {
            robot.LeftLeg = new BasicLeftLeg();
            robot.RightLeg = new BasicRightLeg();


public class basicRobotBuilder extends robotBuilder {

    public basicRobotBuilder() {
        robot = new basicRobot();

    public void buildHead() {
        robot.setHead(new basicHead());

    public void buildTorso() {
        robot.setTorso(new basicTorso());

    public void buildArms() {
        robot.setLeftArm(new basicLeftArm());
        robot.setRightArm(new basicRightArm());

    public void buildLegs() {
        robot.setLeftLeg(new basicLeftLeg());
        robot.setRightLeg(new basicRightLeg());

It’s not your application’s job to build robots. It’s your application’s job to manage those robots at runtime. The application should be agnostic in terms of how robots are provided. Let’s add another Robot to our application; this time, let’s design the Robot to run on caterpillars, rather than legs.

Caterpillar Robot

Caterpillar Robot

First, we introduce a new class called Caterpillar. Caterpillar must extend Leg, so that it’s compatible with our Robot and RobotBuilder abstractions.


    public class Caterpillar : Leg {}


public class caterpillar extends leg {


This class doesn’t do anything right now. We’ll implement behaviour in the next tutorial. For now, let’s provide a means to build our CaterpillarRobot.


    public class CaterpillarRobotBuilder : RobotBuilder {
        public CaterpillarRobotBuilder() {
            robot = new CaterpillarRobot();

        public override void BuildHead() {
            robot.Head = new BasicHead();

        public override void BuildTorso() {
            robot.Torso = new BasicTorso();

        public override void BuildArms() {
            robot.LeftArm = new BasicLeftArm();
            robot.RightArm = new BasicRightArm();

        public override void BuildLegs() {
            robot.LeftLeg = new Caterpillar();
            robot.RightLeg = new Caterpillar();


public class caterpillarRobotBuilder extends robotBuilder {
    public caterpillarRobotBuilder() {
        robot = new caterpillarRobot();

    public void buildHead() {
        robot.setHead(new basicHead());

    public void buildTorso() {
        robot.setTorso(new basicTorso());

    public void buildArms() {
        robot.setLeftArm(new basicLeftArm());
        robot.setRightArm(new basicRightArm());

    public void buildLegs() {
        robot.setLeftLeg(new caterpillar());
        robot.setRightLeg(new caterpillar());

Notice that all methods remain the same, with the exception of BuildLegs, which now attaches Caterpillar objects to both left and right legs. We create an instance of our CaterpillarRobot as follows:


    var caterpillarRobotBuilder = new CaterpillarRobotBuilder();



        caterpillarRobotBuilder caterpillarRobotBuilder = new caterpillarRobotBuilder();

“That’s still a lot of repetitive code. Your CaterpillarRobot isn’t that much different from your BasicRobot. Why not just extend CaterpillarRobotBuilder from BasicRobotBuilder?”

Yes, both classes are similar. Here, you must use your best Object Oriented judgement. If your classes are unlikely to change, then yes, extending BasicRobotBuilder to CaterpillarRobotBuilder might be a worthwhile strategy. However, you must consider the cost of doing this, should future requirements change. Suppose that we introduce a fundamental change to our CaterpillarRobot class, such that it no longer resembles, nor behaves in the same manner as a BasicRobot. In that case, we would have to extract the CaterpillarRobotBuilder class from BasicRobotBuilder, and extend if from RobotBuilder, which may involve significant effort.
As regards repetitive code, let’s look at a means of encapsulating this further, in what’s called a Director. The Director’s purpose is to invoke the Builder’s methods to facilitate object construction, encapsulating construction logic, and removing the need to implement build methods explicitly:


    public class RobotConstructor {
        public void Construct(RobotBuilder robotBuilder) {


    public void Construct(robotBuilder robotBuilder) {

Now our build logic is encapsulated within a controlling class, which is agnostic in terms of the actual implementation of robotbuilder – we can load any implementation we like, and our constructor will just build it.


            var robotConstructor = new RobotConstructor();
            var basicRobotBuilder = new BasicRobotBuilder();



        robotConstructor robotConstructor = new robotConstructor();
        basicRobotBuilder basicRobotBuilder = new basicRobotBuilder();



We’ve looked at the Builder pattern in this tutorial, and have found that it is an effective way of:

  • Providing an abstraction that allows multiple robot types to be assembled in multiple configurations
  • Encapsulates robot assembly logic
  • Facilitates the instantiation of complex, composite objects

In the next tutorial in this series we’ll focus on making robots fight.

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JSON Parsing Using JsonTextReader

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JSON.net is the de facto standard in terms of ASP.NET JSON parsing. Recently I began performance tuning an ASP.NET Web API application. Most of the work involved identifying bottlenecks and resolving them by leveraging the async and await operators in C#5, optimising IIS thread-management, etc., then I started looking at deserialisation.

James Newton King mentions that the fastest possible method of deserialising JSON is to leverage the JsonTextReader. Before I talk about that, let’s look at how a typical implementation works:

var proxy = WebRequest.Create("http://somefeed.com");

var response = proxy.GetResponse();

var stream = response.GetResponseStream();

Note that we’re pulling the request back as an IO.Stream, rather than a string. The problem with caching the response in a string is that in .NET, any object larger than 85KB is automatically assigned to the Large Object Heap. These objects require the Garbage Collector to suspend all threads in IIS in order to destroy them, which has major implications from a performance perspective. If the returned feed is reasonably large, and you cache it in a string, you’ll potentially introduce significant overhead in your web application. Caching to an IO.Stream avoids this issue, because the feed will be chunked and read in smaller portions as you parse it.

Now, let’s say our feed returns a list of people in JSON format:

        firstName: "Paul",
        surname: "Mooney"
	    firstName: "Some",
        surname: "OtherGuy"

We can parse this with the following:

var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(stream.ReadToEnd());

Assuming that we have a C# class as follows:

class Person {
	public string FirstName { get; set; }
	public string Surname { get; set; }

JSON.net deserialises this under the hood using Reflection, a technique which involves reading the classes metadata and mapping corresponding JSON tags to each property, which is costly from a performance perspective. Another downside is the fact that if our JSON objects are embedded in parent objects from another proprietary system, or oData for example, the above method will fail on the basis that the JSON tags don’t match. In other words, our JSON feed needs to match our C# class verbatim.

JSON.net provides a handy mechanism to overcome this: Object Parsing. Instead of using reflection to automatically construct and bind our C# classes, we can parse the entire feed to a JObject, and then drill into this using LINQ, for example, to draw out the desired classes:

var json = JObject.Parse(reader.ReadToEnd());

var results = json["results"]
	.SelectMany(s => s["content"])
        .Select(person => new Person {
            FirstName = person["firstName"].ToString(),
	    Surname = person["surname"].ToString()

Very neat. The problem with this is that we need to parse the entire feed to draw back a subset of data. Consider that if the feed is quite large, we will end up parsing much more than we need.

To go back to my original point, the quickest method of parsing JSON, using JSON.net, is to us the JsonTextReader. Below, you can find an example of a class I’ve put together which reads from a JSON feed and parses only the metadata that we require, ignoring the rest of the feed, without using Reflection:

public abstract class JsonParser<TParsable>; where TParsable : class, new() {
        private readonly Stream json;
        private readonly string jsonPropertyName;

        public List<T> Result { get; private set; }

        protected JsonParser(Stream json, string jsonPropertyName) {
            this.json = json;
            this.jsonPropertyName = jsonPropertyName;

            Result = new List<TParsable>();

        protected abstract void Build(TParsable parsable, JsonTextReader reader);

        protected virtual bool IsBuilt(TParsable parsable, JsonTextReader reader) {
            return reader.TokenType.Equals(JsonToken.None);

        public void Parse() {
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(json)) {
                using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(streamReader)) {
                    do {
                        if (jsonReader.Value == null || !jsonReader.Value.Equals(jsonPropertyName)) continue;

                        var parsable = new TParsable();

                        do {
                        } while (!jsonReader.TokenType.Equals(JsonToken.PropertyName) && !jsonReader.TokenType.Equals(JsonToken.None));

                        do {
                            Build(parsable, jsonReader);
                        } while (!IsBuilt(parsable, jsonReader));

                    } while (!jsonReader.TokenType.Equals(JsonToken.None));

This class is an implementation of the Builder pattern.

In order to consume it, you need only extend the class with a concrete implementation:

public class PersonParser : JsonParser
        public PersonParser(Stream json, string jsonPropertyName) : base(json, jsonPropertyName) { }

        protected override void Build(Person parsable, JsonTextReader reader)
            if (reader.Value.Equals("firstName"))
                parsable.FirstName = (string)reader.Value;
            else if (reader.Value.Equals("surname"))
                parsable.Surname = (string)reader.Value;

        protected override bool IsBuilt(Person parsable, JsonTextReader reader)
            var isBuilt = parsable.FirstName != null &amp;&amp; parsable.Surname != null;
            return isBuilt || base.IsBuilt(parsable, reader);

Here, we’re overriding two methods; Build and IsBuilt. The first tells the class how to map the JSON tags to our C# object. The second, how to determine when our object is fully built.

I’ve stress-tested this; worst case result was 18.75 times faster than alternative methods. Best case was 45.6 times faster, regardless of the size of the JSON feed returned (in my case, large – about 450KB).

Leveraging this across applications can massively reduce thread-consumption and overhead for each feed.

The JsonParser class accepts 2 parameters. First, the JSON stream returned from the feed, deliberately in stream format for performance reasons. Streams are chucked by default, so that we read them one section at a time, whereas strings will consume memory of equivalent size to the feed itself, potentially ending up in the Large Object Heap. Second, the jsonPropertyName, which tells the parser to target a specific serialised JSON object.

These classes are still in POC stage. I’ll be adding more functionality over the next few days. Any feedback welcome.

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